Root Canal Treatments and Endodontics at our Bath Clinic

Although we are a predominantly implant practice, this does not deter us from viewing each tooth carefully and, in discussion with you, trying to save it if possible. In the vast majority of the cases, root canal treatment will prolong the life of a tooth by many years, so get in touch today to see how we can help you.


Our philosophy is to save teeth wherever possible

Although we are a predominantly implant practice, this does not deter us from viewing each tooth carefully and, in discussion with you, trying to save it if possible. As the root canal treatment inevitably weakens the tooth to an extent, most teeth (mainly the back teeth) will require coverage with a partial or full crown after endodontic treatment. In the vast majority of the cases root canal treatment will prolong the life of a tooth by many years.

What is endodontics?

Another name for endodontics is root canal treatment. Sometimes the nerve and blood vessels inside a tooth may die and become infected. This can happen if a tooth has had decay, advanced gum disease, has cracked, or been knocked. Often an infected tooth can be saved by carefully removing the infection from inside a tooth. This is endodontics/root canal treatment.

A previously root-filled tooth can also sustain an infection, which can often be addressed by re-cleaning and re-filling the root canal of the tooth. This is root canal re-treatment.

In case implants are going to be placed, any root canal infections should be treated beforehand, because an infected adjacent tooth may jeopardise an adjacent implant.


What are the symptoms of an infected tooth with a dental abscess?

Some of the common symptoms include:

Endodontics Fees

All fees are estimates and all patients will be given a full, personalised written estimate before commencing treatment. Please contact us to discuss finance schemes, as we provide the option for you to pay for your treatment in instalments.


45 minute consultation including initial radiographs (X-rays) – £100

Extended Consultation

1 hour consultation if 3 or more teeth are involved – £119

Loyalty Consultation

Reduced price if you have had an implant with us in the last five years – £60

Cone Beam CT scan

A 3-D X-Ray picture which gives much more information when a conventional 2-D X-Ray picture fails to show enough – £126

Root treat incisor or canine

From £747 (re-treatment: from £767)

Root treat premolar

From £798 (re-treatment: from £818)

Root treat molar

From £862 (re-treatment: from £880)

Crown removal & provisional crown

Sometimes a tooth to be root treated has a crown. This may need to be removed and a temporary crown provided whilst root canal treatment is ongoing – £193

Core filling

To carry out root canal treatment a small hole in the tooth will need to be made. A core filling will double-seal the root filling and repair this access hole. For teeth with pre-existing fillings, these are completely renewed – £135-187

Post placement: severely broken down root filled teeth will require addition of a post in the core filling (a pin down the root), in order to be strongly built-up – £104

Amalgam/Composite overlay definitive restoration this a special design of an extensive filling used to restore very broken down back teeth, which are too weak to receive a crown – £410

Endodontic surgery

Some persistent root canal infections require the gum to be lifted to gain access to the problem. The tooth is accessed at its end and sealed with a regenerative material – from £750 (suture removal +£56)

Tooth whitening

A tooth with an infected nerve or inadequate root filling can present discoloured. Following endodontic treatment, the tooth can be whitened over 1 or more extra visits to improve aesthetics. This is called internal bleaching – £104 per placement

Annual follow-up

A tooth with a dental abscess can take up to 4 years or more to fully heal after endodontic treatment. A review appointment will allow us to check that the treatment has worked. A small X-ray picture will be taken to assess the healing of the bone around the tooth – £76 or £85 for multiple teeth.


If you feel apprehensive about any dental treatment, sedation offers a more pleasant way to complete your treatment and is also available for longer procedures – from £367